M A R A T H O N 

Marathon, the last stop before reaching Big Bend from the north, is a small town with a population of less than 500 people. Though the offerings are limited, this town can be more than just a quick stop for gas, especially if you’re there for Friday night burgers at The French Co Grocer. Check out our guide for all the noteworthy stops in this tiny town.



Compared to the other towns in our region, Alpine is a real big city. There’s plenty of information about this town out there, but we still have our own insider’s opinion. Click above for our guide on can’t miss stops, like The Ritchey or Cedar Coffee Supply.



F O R T  D A V I S

This historic town has tons to offer for nature lovers. Whether you’re visiting to stargaze at the McDonald Observatory, to hike in Davis Mountains State Park, or to observe the geology of the region at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center, you won’t be disappointed. Check out our guide for even more information on what to do when visiting.